Articles & Resources

Digital Distraction

How to Fight Teen Cell Phone Addiction

It is a pretty common picture these days to look around a room and see about 80 – 90% of the people on their cell …

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Practical Tips to Improve Your In-Law Relationships

Learning how to work with your in-law relationships is a critical piece to the health of your own marriage. It it is also pivotal to …

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Child Development

Helping Your Child Navigate Social Media

Anyone else feel like Social Media is driving the conversation in our world today? It’s difficult to find a balance through it all and helping …

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How to Have Difficult Conversations

At some point in any relationship, we all have to face conversations that are difficult. How to have difficult conversations is critical to the long …

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Child Development

5 Easy Christmas Decorations to Make With Your Kids

It is time to deck the halls of our home and we wanted to give you 5 easy Christmas crafts to do with your kids. …

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How to Build Strong Family Relationships

Well this is certainly a question for the ages. When you hear the words “Strong Family” what immediately comes to mind? Whatever that picture is …

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Child Development

How to Have a Better Family Game Night

Family game night can sure bring back some nostalgia and memories that are often filled with laughter, a little bit of competition, and hopefully feelings …

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How to Build a Lasting Relationship

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Ever heard that?? This thought can be a distracting, and even sometimes an …

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Got Conflict in Your Relationship?

It can be so easy these days to lose our way chasing toddlers, doing dishes, worrying about how the next bill is going to get …

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Child Development

Anxiety in Kids

It certainly is a difficult truth to face that our children are struggling with anxiety at such an astonishingly young age these days. Shockingly, the …

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Child Development

Teaching your Kids about Forgiveness and WHY it’s Important

Forgiveness This is a HUGE topic and honestly one that deserves to be handled with so much care. There are many streams of thought that …

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Child Development

How to Raise a Happy Child

Raising a happy child, or children is a common goal that is shared by most parents. It is not likely that we have ever made …

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How Do I Connect Better With My Teenager?

Oh the trenches of parenting a teenager. Sometimes it can feel like your living through the terrible two’s all over again, riiight?!? Only now they …

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Child Development

How to Make a Difference While Spending Time with Your Kids

These months have undoubtedly been some of the most trying times in anyone’s memory. As parents, it is possible that you have scoured the internet …

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Child Development

How Old Should My Child be to Get a Smartphone??

What is the most appropriate age to give your child a cell phone?  This is a question every parent will be asking themselves at some …

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Child Development

Should I Get My Child a Smartphone?

Should I get my child a smartphone? How old should my child be to get a cell phone? What are the risks involved with getting …

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Child Development

How to Address Opposing Views with Your Child

Most parents like to talk about how they desire to raise their children to be; self starters, troubleshooters, and even independent thinkers. This noble task …

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Got TO-DO lists? Maybe You’re Doing them WRONG!

Building out this week’s TO-DO list? What if YOU are doing it ALL WRONG??? Ahh yes.. it’s Monday. This day is often met with some …

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Date Night

Reignite your Friday Night

It’s Friday and time for a date night… Ahh yes.. the good ol’ Friday night date. The classic evening where dinner and a movie usually …

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Addressing the difficulty of Suicide

Today, September 10th is recognized on a global scale as “World Suicide Prevention Day”. And though this is a tough topic to cover, we must …

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Digital Distraction

How my smart phone affects my sleep

How does your smart phone affect the way you sleep… Its time to blame the smartphone. It’s 1:30am.. your eyes are bloodshot, you’ve tossed and …

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Things to do with your family this Weekend!

What are some FUN things to do with your family this FRIDAY and over the weekend!?! Ok, the work week is done, YAY!! the kids …

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Digital Distraction

How to limit screen time in your home

Really, you’re asking me to do WHAAAAAT?? Yes, we know setting screen time limits for your home can seem like a daunting task. In fact, …

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Dealing with Addiction & Mental Illness in the All-American Home

Every single family will face its own set of challenges along this journey in life. No matter who you are, how much money you make, …

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back to school 2020
Child Development

Back to School 2020. 12 tips for Parents to keep your cool!

School supplies are gracing the aisles of the stores, emails and phone calls coming in from school administration and teachers and it is time for …

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Child Development

Dinner is Better When we eat Together

Family dinners…  Ahhh, the good ‘ol American past time. You know, the ‘Leave it to Beaver’ kind of FAMily dinners where everyone rushed to the …

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Digital Distraction

Are we ADDICTED to our cell PHONES!?!?!

Are we ADDICTED to our cell PHONES!?!?! What would you say if I told you that smartphones and apps are specifically designed to be as …

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Child Development

How to talk about difficult topics with our kids

What is going on in our world? What can we do about it? And how can we talk about these things in our home? We …

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This isn’t how it was supposed to be…

Let’s all take a moment to walk through a little journey, shall we… Imagine the culmination of 12 years worth of time spent working towards …

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Child Development

So what is your 2020 “new normal” going to look like?

Yep, now that is a question of the day right now huh?? Everyone is talking about the “new normal” and what that is going to …

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The struggle is real… Learning the art of CONNECTING with your kids.

Anyone else feeling the struggle to connect with your kids? #thestruggleisreal Being a parent in today’s world is not for the faint of heart. It …

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Surviving and THRIVING. Parenting Tips and Tricks – an interview with Amber Trueblood

We have all heard it by now. You know, the moans and groans of this “new way” of living over the last couple of months. …

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Mom hugging her son on the beach

Do Hugs Matter: The Importance of Hugging Your Child

Hugging is an intimate form of contact that provides proven psychological benefits that are essential to a child’s development. It’s no secret that we feel …

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family cooking dinner together while laughing

9 Healthy Family Habits to Start Today

The healthy (or not so healthy) habits that we carry throughout our lives often begin when we are young and at home. When our children …

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child watching cartoons on tv
Digital Distraction

[Infographic] Screen Time Recommendations for Kids

With the advancement of mobile devices from phones to tablets more and more kids are being introduced to them at a young age. It can …

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woman holding smartphone with ted talks on screen
Digital Distraction

9 Amazing TED Talks for Dealing with Digital Distraction

Smartphone devices are extremely prominent in our culture today. Everywhere you turn people are texting, taking photos, uploading to social media and so much more! …

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smiling husband and wife walking across a rope bridge

Are Family Retreats More Beneficial than a Vacation?

Each year you plan a family vacation, travel to an interesting destination and take in the sights and sounds to help release some stress from …

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