We are committed to educating couples, kids, families, and anyone wanting to learn how to better build and develop the meaningful relationships in their lives.

“Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally falter.”

Brad Henry

Workshops & Retreats to Empower Positive Change

The F.A.M. Events will provide the opportunity, tools and resources for couples and families to learn how to reconnect, find strength and fight the issues weakening or even ruining our family relationships.

Today we talk so much about reform. Reform of government and reform in the workplace to name a few. But what about reform in the relationships that bring us the most joy and fulfillment in our lives? The definition of reform is to “make changes in order to improve something”. Our team is developing opportunities and products for couples and families to become educated, empowered and motivated to change and improve our relationships.

Our Flagship Trilogy Event Series

Who are you? Who are you Really? Most importantly… who do you want to be? In these transformational events we guide you through profound learning and engagement to create clarity and power in your life and walk away proudly proclaiming: THIS is ME!  Live In-Person and Online Virtual Events available. 

The secret to great family is connection! In these events for couples, use your newfound self and skills to create a more powerful connection between you and your partner. One that will joyfully stand any test of time!  Live In-Person and Online Virtual Events available. 

In these events for the whole family, families experience fun activities and engaging learning material for all ages!  These events help families learn many of the tools and skills needed to help conquer the many challenges we all face today in the home.  Live In-Person and Online Virtual Events available.  

Workshops coming soon!

Upcoming Event Series | Envision, Craft, Pass it On

Did you know that a recent study by APFM, the nation’s largest senior living referral service found that more than a quarter of Americans would like to know more about their parents?  Those that were surveyed wanted to know more about their parents family history, personal history, medical history, life advice and personal achievements throughout their lives.

The FAM Legacy Events are designed to help individuals learn how to first live a purposeful life in building a valuable legacy to leave behind, but we also teach and provide the best tools and resources to parents to know how to leave a legacy with their families through our Leave A Legacy events. By doing this we build deeper connection and memory of those we love most.  

Download our FREE guide “Crafting Your Living Legacy” and get notified when this event series is live!

“Immortality is to live your life doing good things, and leaving your mark behind.”

Brandon Lee

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Interested in being an event sponsor, venue, or partner?

With decades of experience, we know transformational events take a lot of moving parts and helping hands. We’re an experienced team who loves to collaborate with change-makers and influencers. If you are passionate for our cause and either have a venue, would like to speak at, sponsor, help facilitate at or JV in some other way… get in touch!